Journey of my Heart
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I heard this song this morning on the way into work. It's from Reliant K and titled "I celebrate the Day". For me, it really puts Christmas into perspective, taking it out of what we have skewed it to be for us.
My favorite line: I celebrate the day He was born to die so I could one day pray for Him to save my life.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The last week has been tough for our little Max. His teeth are on the move and I am sure it is quite painful for him. Saturday he was much more "normal". He was click to flash that smile and the sparkle was back in his eye...we also noticed the first teeth popping through on the top are his fangs.
Our kitchen has been reduced to four walls and thats last night we headed out to O'Charley's for dinner. It is amazing to see Max interact with people and the affect this little 7 month old has on people. We have this sweet little chair that clips to the table top...there are no legs to it so if you catch him in it out of the corner of your eye you might think he is floating there. At least 4 of the wait staff came by and commented on his chair and his smile...which got him smiling more and more. The host came by and commented on Max's chair and smile telling us if we needed anything to just ask.
Since our kitchen is reduced to four walls we had no easy way to warm up Max's dinner...our waiter was more than happy to take his little packaged dinner back into their kitchen to warm it up for returned on a little plate that was met by more smiles. While we were feeding him a mom and her two daughters were sat a few tables behind Max. He spent the remainder of our time taking a bite of food and then turning his little neck as far as he could so he could see those girls and flash his killer smile at them.
We ended up deciding to split a desert since Max was in no hurry to leave his position of people watching. As we got ready to leave most of the wait staff, kitchen, and host came by to say bye to Max. Our bill didn't include the cost of the desert and when I asked him to re-run the bill he flashed his own smile and said: "I know, Happy Birthday!" as he winked at Max.
I still find myself looking at Max eyeball to eyeball and asking "where did you come from?" and "how did you get here?". I am so blessed to have him for a son. He brings such joy to us. He continues to amaze me as he learns to grab things, throw things, bang on things, mimick my moves and sounds, and pushes himself to walk...he is not far away.
I often find myself in moments dreaming of what it will be like as Max gets older and is walking and talking. Whether its shoveling the driveway with him or him running the snowplow controls as we plow some snow. I could go on and on but I hear the little guy stirring in his bed...I am going to stop typing and go let him melt my heart...when his eyes turn to me and I see that smile and sparkle I melt like frosty on a 90 degree day.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Week 3
Obedience to Christ
Romans 12:1
Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spirtitual act of worship.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Week two and verse two
Christ the Center
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Galations 2:20
I listen to podcasts from Mosaic ( I am pretty much addicted to listening to them...over and over during the week. The last series was on living an Original Life. One of my favorite quotes from it is this, probably because it speaks into the moment I am in: The place you are at, may be the very context from which your calling may come. That God has postured and positioned you to do something in that place with those people and with those relationships that no one else can.